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Unreleased short novel

In 2014 me and the Psychologist and writer Luca Casadio projected a collectiveliterary book called "Mutombo project", and we wrote together a literary manifesto. I wrote "Essere Pietro Brown", and Luca wrote "Mia!. Our project was to sketch the condition of being an immigrate in Italy, confronting with prejudices, hate, greed for social integration. In the project were also involved Nicholas Di Valerio ("Sahib") and the graphic novelist and artist aKab, with an original graohic novel ("Stornara"). We tried to publish it, but for various reason we didn't succeeded in doing it. Ita was a very good project, and it's a pity iti is still unreleased. 

"Essere Pietro Brown" (Being Pietro Brown) is the story of a Moroccan immigrate in his thirties, Sufi, and his family living in the suburbs of Rome: his sudden ascent from being an ambulant sock-seller to porno star for an exclusive club only for female swingers. so he lives a double-life: the first kept secret from his family (he says to work as a night porter in a small Hotel), and the other as an honest and careful family man with his wife and two children. This is the paradoxical price he pays to the social integration: but for how long? 

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