BIBLIOTECA TEATRALE (Bulzoni Press, Roma), n. 35/36 - 1996
"Biblioteca Teatrale" (Theatrical Library) is the journal founded and directed by Ferruccio Marotti for Centro Teatro Ateneo of "La Sapienza" University in Rome in 1971. Soon after the publication of my monography on Pasolini's cinema (Il Castoro Press, Milano, 1996), Antonella Ottai asked me to write on the relationships between the original theatre drama "Porcile" and the movie Pasolini made out of its cinematographic adaptation.
Read the essay
Al di là del desiderio di durare : Porcile, l’enigma di Julian e il suicidio della ragione (Beyond the desire to last. "Porcile" (Pigsty), Julian's aenigma, and the suicide of Reason.
RENDICONTI (Pendragon Press, Bologna) - n. 40, 1996
"Rendiconti" (Reports) is a Journal founded and directed by the great Italian poet roberto Roversi, close friend with Pasolini in the 50s, when they founded together in Bologna the prestigious literary magazine "Officina" ("Factory"). For the 20th anniversary of Pasolini's assassination, Roversi asked me to write an essay for a monographic number dedicated to Pasolini: here I analyze Pasolini's vision of Ideology, engagement, an the anthropological mutations in politics.
ALLEGORIA (Palumbo Press, Palermo), n. 57, 2008
"Allegoria: six-monthly review for a materialistic study of literature" is an historical journal directed by the literary critic Romano Luperini, analyzing lierature in the wider sense, including cinema as a text. In this perspective I focused on Robert Altman's "Short Cuts" and the representation of collectivity as player of History in Carver and Altman's vision.