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Here you can find excerpts or trailers from my cinematographic production as a screenwriter and film director. 

Fiction movies, documentaries, short movies: an overview over the years.

Still images: frozen time, or better, multiplied and superimposed states-of-time. My personal portfolio as Iphoneographer with a selection of my pictorial-photographic work, and several personal galleries portraying me and my world and experiences in more than two decades.

Highlights and samples from my TV work as a Host, Director, and Author for Broadcasting shows.

Then also commercials, music videos, web contents of any kind and format: a miscellaneous pot-pourri in eclectic mode.

Excerpts, Highlights, Audios, scripts & Videos from the Pataphysical Art Collective "Géraphin Brunur" (me and the Post-Pop post-everything eclectic photographer Gérald Bruneau)

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